Stem cells are key for the development and maintenance of multicellular organisms. Some animals in addition have remarkable regenerative capacities, which also rely on the activation of stem cells. In this research platform we aim to study the regulation of stem cells during development, regeneration and maintenance in a variety of animals with different life history strategies in order to unravel the mechanisms of regulation that lead to the activation of stem cells. We employ modern single cell technologies in combination with functional genomics approaches.  We also seek to develop new bioinformatic tools for the analysis of single cell transcriptome data.


Ulrich Technau and Alison Cole are co-authors on a new eLife paper


ERC Advanced Grant for Prof. Ulrich Technau!


Alison Cole produces a lineage resolved single cell atlas of nematode development.


Congratulations to Oliver Link for winning the award for the best talk at the VDSEE doctoral school.


Paul Knabl and Alexandra Schauer (Genikhovich group) identified BMP signalling targets and characterized a novel modulator of BMP signaling in...



The Zimmer group, together with the Moritz Grosse-Wentrup group (UniVie) and Tatjana Tchumatchenko group (Uni Bonn) receive funding from the WWTF